
The 民政事务总署 注册商 maintains academic records from the inception of the yzcca88游戏登录网址. Follow the links below for excerpts from these records.


Student Records from DU's inception Through 1904

Student records from the yzcca88游戏登录网址’s inception through 1904 were h和-written in bound volumes. There are six of these volumes in existence – labeled 书B through 书G. A册早在1904年就丢失了. 这些卷是由 赫伯特·阿隆佐·豪, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts 和 the Graduate School in 1904. His introductory notes to each volume are listed below. Phyllis Bay, Associate 注册商, indexed these volumes in 2005.



  • 书B

    The Records in this book begin with September 1882 和 continue through the second term of the year 1889-1890. But they were not complete for the term as appears by the comparison of some records in this book with the originals in 书维.


    I do not find the book containing the records for 1880-1881 和 1881-1882. 它自然会被称为A.


  • 书C

    The records in this book begin with September 1882 和 continue through the year 1889-1890. But they are not complete for that time as appears by comparison of some records in this book with the original of 书维


  • 书维

    The records in this book begin with the term ending in 1887 和 end with the term ending in June 1892. The records thru the first term of 1889-1890 & part of the records for the second term of that year were transferred to Books B & C.

    赫伯特一. 豪

  • 书E

    Pages 1-61 of this book contain the records for the years 1892-1893 和 1893-1894.

    Pages 64 -247 contain the records of all students who were in school during the year 1894-1895. These pages (64-247) are intended to contain all work done by the students whose names are given there; while at our institution: but if only one page is given to a particular student it contains only his preparatory or collegiate work, 和 another page may be found in an another book or in the letters kept for the book. For example the preparatory work of Lucius B Pitkin is found on page 177 of this book, his collegiate work on page 172 of Book F.

    Pages 248-397 contain the records of those students who came in as new students during the year 1895-1896 & also of some students who had but one page for their preparatory work within the limits of pages 64-247 和 needed another page for their collegiate work for example the preparatory of work of William Gordon Plested is on page 180 和 his collegiate work is on page 390.

    On pages 64-397 the horizontal purple lines separate the work of the different years of the preparatory & collegiate courses, the letter C denotes a credit from some other school. 字母P表示通过.


    Students entering school in 1896 are found in Book F.


  • 书G

    Pages 1-93 contain the records of the students who entered during the school year 1899-1900. Pages 94-236 contain the records of those students who entered during the year 1900-1901. Pages 227-239 contain the records of those students who entered during the school year 1901-1902.

    赫伯特一. 豪


For more info, see the General Index to Student Record Books Prior to Loose Leaf Ledgers



埃莉诺Lawney, 争取妇女选举权的先驱, was the first woman to graduate from a Colorado medical institution in 1887. Dr. Lawney served on the state's Charities 和 Corrections board in 1900.

An ad eundem degree is a courtesy degree awarded by one university or college to a graduate of another.

The yzcca88游戏登录网址 dental school came into being in 1887 as the Denver Dental School, 有八名教员. 1889年他们有四名学生毕业. 这所学校于20世纪30年代初关闭.




The yzcca88游戏登录网址's 民政事务总署 注册商 retains records (Academic 成绩单) for the Colorado Women's College dating from its inception in 1908. The records (Academic 成绩单) for the Colorado Women's College Preparatory School, 从1908年到1936年存在的, 是由yzcca88游戏登录网址Special Collections 和 Archives Department.

Request a Colorado Women’s College Transcript